Op 23-02-13 11:35, Mike Evans schreef:
On Sat, 23 Feb 2013 10:19:25 +0100
Geert Janssens <janssens-ge...@telenet.be> wrote:

Op 23-02-13 05:52, John Ralls schreef:
On Feb 22, 2013, at 11:14 AM, Geert Janssens
<janssens-ge...@telenet.be> wrote:

Op 22-02-13 19:45, Geert Janssens schreef:
Op 22-02-13 19:23, Mike Evans schreef:
Thanks for checking Geert.  I removed my $HOME/.gitconfig and
tried again with the same result.  My git version is on
Fedora 15 not sure it that makes any difference.  Anyway now we
know where the problem is (me) I know the solution is local.
Enough for today though I think.
My git version is git- on Fedora 18. I don't
know if that makes a difference or not.

What exact url are you using to clone from github ?
Mine is g...@github.com:Gnucash/gnucash.git

Any other devs seeing this ?

Additionally, can you check if the "eol" attribute is already
supported in your git version ? It is mentioned in "man
gitattributes" on my system and is the attribute I'm using to
force consistent line endings. It may be a more recent addition.

Yeah, I see it on OSX.  When I follow the "renormalizing"
procedure, I get warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF in
src/report/jqplot/foo.js. The file will have its original line
endings in your working directory. For all of the files that Mike
listed. Curiously, changing the *.js entry in .gitattributes to
crlf and repeating the procedure has no effect. It appears that you
got those js files into the repo with crlf line endings.

git version (Apple Git-31.1)
The "eol" attribute is documented in gitattributes(5)

John Ralls

Ok, that is very likely. Can you or Mike check in the proper
conversions ? They don't show up on my system (which I don't
understand why that is).

OK checked in as r22808 4317a28b55655

Mike E


Git is still happy on my system with the new commit and after renormalizing. So hopefully we fixed it properly this time.

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