The default assignee field is mostly used to determine who gets bugmail for a 
particular component. Some of the assignments make sense, like having me be the 
default for Mac bugs, some not so much, like Chris Shoemaker for budget bugs: 
He hasn't been around for a long time.

It also makes it hard for non-bugzilla-admins to set themselves up for bugmail 
on new bugs, because the mechanism for doing so is to "watch" another user. 
Watching a real user means that you get bug mail not only for the bugs that 
that user is the default assignee,QA contact, or added to the CC list, but also 
for every bug that user comments on. Not really useful unless you're a stalker.

The mainstream Gnome approach is to have fake users for default assignees; for 
example, the Gtk Quartz backend has gtk-quartz-ma...@gnome.bugs, which I watch 
so that I get bug mail for any of those. I propose doing the same for our 
gnucash components, with a per-component address for default assignee and a 
gnucash-bugs address for QA assignee to make it easy to get all bugmail.

I'll change the components, but I can't create the users because I don't have 
privs for doing that.

John Ralls

gnucash-devel mailing list

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