Mike Evans <mi...@saxicola.idps.co.uk> writes:

> Since I was expecting to have to do a fresh clone from gitolite anyway
> and since my repo is from git-svn, my commit hashes don't match GitHub
> anyway. I'd say make it right and I (we?) can re-clone from the the new
> gitolite repo once the transfer is complete.

I think the goal would be to make github and gitolite effectively
equivalent, once we completely swap over.  And indeed we're recommending
that people clone from github rather than code for performance issues.
However, of course, commits needs to be done directly to code (be it SVN
or Git, eventually).

The question is what to do about the current state of the github repo?

I'm hearing mixed feedback right now (well, one devil's advocate remark
against restarting the github repo).

> Mike E


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
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