On 19-01-13 21:47, David T. wrote:
I am sure that my ignorance is showing, but...

I was looking at Bug 633590 on Bugzilla, and Yawar linked to a document on 
svn.gnucash.org--but the link was broken. It appears that the English documentation tree 
has been moved into a folder named "C", and I was just wondering why the change 
was made, and what the folder name signifies.

gnucash-devel mailing list
"C" refers to the default locale on linux computers. For most technical people it's more or less synonymous to "US English".

The change was mostly done as a convenience for the web scripts. With this change one set of rules can be used to find all versions of the documentation in all languages.

In most cases, you don't browse the files directly on svn.gnucash.org, but via www.gnucash.org/docs.phtml. There are proper links there that hide the technical notation for the casual user.


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