Hi folks,

On 2013-01-15 16:23, Colin Law wrote:
> On 15 January 2013 21:17, Christian Stimming <christ...@cstimming.de> wrote:
>> Am Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013, 20:36:22 schrieb Derek Atkins:
>>> [...]
>>> I agree.  Please do not call it a "forum".
>> No, I think Yawar has a valid point here. The term "mailing list" to a non-
>> tech user does not sound like some place where discussions are being held. 
>> I'd
>> welcome any better wording that is more accessible for non-tech users as 
>> well.
> It could be called something like a 'support and discussion mailing
> list'.  I think that it would be incorrect to use the word forum.  It
> would certainly be unconventional and confusing.

Well, to my mind, a `forum' means someplace where people can have
asynchronous discussions. A phpBB site would qualify, as would Bugzilla,
StackOverflow, and obviously an email mailing list.

But let's stick with convention for a bit. I just realised that people
visiting a FOSS website will often look for the words `mailing
list'--sometimes they may just press Ctrl-F and let the browser do the
search for them. And in fact, there may be automated tools out there
which look for `mailing list' too. So it would be good to leave that
link title as it is in the side panel.

What I did like was John's idea of having a prominent `Need Help?'
section right on the front page, `above the fold' as they say in web
design speak. I guess that would put it above the News section. This
would tell the reader to send an email/subscribe to gnucash-user. I can
put together a patch probably this weekend to try it out--if nobody
beats me to it.



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