Geert Janssens <> writes:

> I'd rather see it the other way. If developers commit to
>, while all others fork from github you get a similar
> indirection like we have now with svn. I don't like that. It's a
> source for all kinds of small errors and sync irregularities. I have
> had to clean my local svn directory in git countless times because if
> this. This is no doubt partly because git and svn are two completely
> different systems, but I can envision small issues like this also in a
> pure git environment. I clearly prefer github to be the repository
> where all activity happens and a pristine canonical
> copy.

I suspect that a lot of the issues you have seen are due to the
svn<->git irregularities.  If everything is GIT then I doubt you'll see
the same types of issues.

> For non-committers, github is clearly the most interesting choice:
> it's higly visible and a well-known brand. That's where we most easily
> will come in contact with potential new contributors. I think we all
> agree we should leverage that benefit. For me then as a committer, I
> would really find it more easy if I only have to deal with one
> upstream repo in my daily activity instead of two.

Sure.  I don't object to using github.  I view it in the same way as I
view SourceForge for distributing our releases.

> I already mentioned before that I may still have my brain clinging to
> the old centralized development model of svn and may have some
> difficulty estimating correctly how simple or complicated some
> constructs are in the distributed git concept. But in my current
> understanding at least for me it's easier if I could have github as my
> main upstream for all my day to day development work and only when
> maintenance is needed on, work with that repo as
> upstream.
> Geert


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH                        PGP key available
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