Geert Janssens <> writes:

> Let's continue to build on this. I propose this setup:
> One master repo hosted on github. One canonical repo on
> pulls periodically from this master repo to keep in
> sync.
> Only selected developers have commit access to the github
> repository. This is all access control we need here.
> All others that wish to contribute have to fork/clone this repository
> and send in patches.

I would suggest that developers commit to, which can
then push to github.

> I have not really decided yet how to handle access control to the
> canonical repository on yet. In principle nobody
> needs to push anything to this repo. It should simply fully
> automatically pull from the github master repo. But just in case for
> maintenance or other situations, I think it makes sense to allow push
> access by the same developers that currently can commit to svn on

It depends how we do it.  Either nobody writes directly to code, or
nobody writes directly to the gitbug master.

> I have deliberately skipped implementation details in this mail (how
> to enforce access control, how to trigger push/pull requests,...). I
> first would like to come to a consensus on the concept. Then work out
> the details.

It is possible that some of the details might encourage a particular

> So any issues with this proposal ? (If so, please use bugzilla, not
> the github issue tracker ;p ). Or if you agree, please state so as
> well, so we can get an idea if we can pursue this proposal or not.


> Geert

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH                        PGP key available
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