
Łukasz Spas <lukasz.s...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello.
> I've developed small application for Symbian (tested on S60) which
> allows users to manage their finances using their Symbian phone. (Here
> is the repo: https://gitorious.org/gnucash-s60/gnucash-s60)
>  It is still incomplete because I would like to add functionality
> which allows to synchronize list of transactions with desktop' GnuCash
> via Bluetooth using QIF file format.
> And here goes the question - is it hard to add "reciving QIF file via
> Bluetooth & importing it to GnuCash's database" functionality?
> I have never look inside GnuCash's code and I don't know where I could
> start. (Maybe someone could help?) Moreover, is it even possible to
> add such Bluetooth import functionality to main GnuCash repo? I think
> it might be useful for many of smart-phones owners and gives a
> possibility to write many of mobile ports/clients of GnuCash easily.

GnuCash does have a QIF Import facility, but it's not automated, and
frankly I cannot think of a way to make it into an automated process due
to the way it needs to perform transaction duplicate detection (and
verification) as well as the transaction mapper to map to proper

Your best option would be to provide a way to extract QIF from your
application so that a user can load it into GnuCash using the QIF

> Best regards,
> Lucas Spas


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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