This is becoming a good, healthy discussion, with a variety of
viewpoints that make for interesting reading.

But to those who seem to think that starting over is *always* a bad
idea, I'd ask you if you'd like to be running Windows 3.1.14159/MSDOS
19 on your PCs, instead of something based on Windows NT? Or would you
like to still be running the original Mac OS on your Macbooks (which
would need a Motorola processor or something to deal with the code
written in 68k assembly language) and have the whole system fall over
when one application goes nuts?

It's very difficult to make sensible blanket statements in a complex
business like this. Yes, I agree that starting over is a big decision
that has to be carefully justified on risk/benefit, cost/benefit
grounds. As I said in my original post, I don't know if Gnucash is at
that point, because I haven't done the homework. But I do think it's
important for people who do know this system well to give the option
consideration at a time when attempts are being made to solve major,
designed-in problems, and also to take advantage of contemporary

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