
I just wanted to check on the method you prefer for submitting
patches.  I wrote a patch or two some time ago for gnucash and am
hoping to get back into doing some coding on the application if/when I
have free time, but wanted to see if you prefer patches to be
submitted to the mailing list or for a defect to be created in
Bugzilla first and then if I create a patch for the defect to submit
it there, or some other process?  I did not see the patch submission
process specified on the wiki but may have missed it.

That said, I just downloaded the latest SVN revision to start working
with it and make reported the following error:

make[3]: Leaving directory
stf-parse.c:562: error: comma at end of enumerator list
make[3]: *** [stf-parse.lo] Error 1

For the record, I am using the following configure options and after
fixing the above error, many more cropped up.  It seems --enable-iso-c
is probably causing many errors to appear during make so I am not sure
if this is recommended practice:

./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash-devel \
   --enable-debug --enable-doxygen \
   --enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings \
   --enable-ofx --enable-aqbanking \
   --enable-iso-c --enable-python

The above error is quite a simple fix:

-----------------------SVN DIFF-----------------------
Index: gnucash/lib/stf/stf-parse.c
--- gnucash/lib/stf/stf-parse.c (revision 20735)
+++ gnucash/lib/stf/stf-parse.c (working copy)
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
 } StfParseCellRes;

 static StfParseCellRes
-----------------------END DIFF-----------------------

I am wondering if it is desired to fix the build errors which are
appearing due to my configure options or if I should simply change
those options?  I have limited C++ experience so currently small
patches such as this are easy for me and probably a good use of my
time getting familiar with the code, but let me know if this is not
desired.  I do have some work I would like to accomplish on
new/improved budgeting features _eventually_ in the future if my
ability increases to the point that I can manage it, but I will only
have time and ability for smaller patches for the time being.

-Tim M
gnucash-devel mailing list

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