
I 'm Bernd and I would like to participate in GSoC with a GnuCash Project.

I am an master student in Telmatics(combination of computer science
and electrical engineering).

I like GnuCash a lot but unfortunately my Computer is most time not
where I make my expenses.
So I have to write all my expenses down and put them afterwards into
gnucash. This is annoying because I am often too lazy to do it right
away and after some days my notes are lost :( .

My Idea was to write an Android app where i can note all my expenses
and I can send them to my Gnucash when I am at home.

In my mind are several different possible solutions to approach this problem.

1. Sync GnuCash and App database so both have the same data.

2. Sync a limited but useful subset of accounts between GnuCash and phone.

3. Just collect expenses and push them to GnuCash.

How is the connection between gnucash and the app realized?
 WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, USB

Which data should be synced?
 All, just accounts which might be useful on the mobile

There are many open questions. It would be great if you could help me
answer them.

What do you think of this project?

Is anyone here who could be a Mentor for this project?

PS: I have successfully downloaded and compiled gnucash from source. ;)

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