Basic Information
Student name: Lin Di
Location (Home town, state, country): Singapore

Contact Information
Instant messaging contact details (Skype or similar): -
Phone number (our mentors will ask for a few phone conversations,
especially in the beginning): -

Background/Programming Information
What programming experience do you have so far (languages, operating
systems, compilers)?
I have taken courses on C and C++ programming language, mainly on data
structure and algorithm.

Have you worked on programming project(s) before, and which one(s)?
Yest. currently I am working on a software engineering project that
develops a new bus fare calculation and deduction system.

What project in GnuCash would you like to work on?
I would like to work on Cutecash: An alternative GUI.

How do you propose to solve the problem(s) posed in the project you'd
like to work on?
I would like to re-write the GUI with Microsoft Visual Studio in C++.

Have you ever built an open source package from source?
Not really. But I am very appreciated of the idea of open source.

Have you ever built GnuCash from source?
Not really. But I am willing to learn new things from GnuCash.
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