Dear Christian,
 I've been successfully able to run configure with enabling python bindings,
but however there have been some glitches when I tried running those scripts
as per the instructions given in the comments but the following error shows
up :

> aregee@aregee-laptop:~/unstable/cashgnu/lib/python2.6/site-packages$
gnucash-env python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 259, in <module>
    if __name__ == "__main__": main()
  File "", line 153, in main
    debits_show, credits_show) = argv[1:8]
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack

>  aregee@aregee-laptop:~/unstable/cashgnu/lib/python2.6/site-packages$
>> gnucash-env python
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 88, in <module>
>     s = Session(argv[1], is_new=False)
> IndexError: list index out of range
> aregee@aregee-laptop:~/unstable/cashgnu/lib/python2.6/site-packages$
Is this just because of lack of any actual account database on my system ??
or I am doing something wrong ??

Now regarding pygtk ,well yes I 've been thinking to give it a try but as
of  I am spending some more time learning core python as I wan't
to strengthen my foundation in the language,but I hope that I'll  learn to
use pygtk libraries by gsoc.
BTW its good to hear that python module will be added to core gnucash
 I've been preparing a rough proposal for GSoC , and I would like to get
some inputs from the community so I 'm thinking of sending the proposal on
the mailing list..

2011/3/16 Christian Stimming <>

> Dear Rahul,
> good to hear you can build from source now.
> Can you make sure to run configure with --enable-python, then check the
> examples in the directory src/optional/python-bindings/example_scripts
> whether
> you can run them as described in the files, respectively? This should give
> you
> a first feeling on how python programming of gnucash will look like.
> On another note, you can try the pygtk library to see
> how
> creating gtk GUI elements will look like in python.
> In your GSoC project, you can either try to add new GUI elements into
> gnucash
> using python and pygtk, such as a new interface to certain tasks that you
> need
> to do yourself but where you don't like the GUI right now. Or you can
> rather
> do some non-GUI coding with python, such as preparing and writing a text
> report for some numbers throughout gnucash.
> On the mailing list we've already received a patch that will add a python
> module into gnucash itself. The current optional/python-bindings is only a
> temporary solution in case one wants to write external python scripts, but
> again, it's a good first step for you to see what it will look like.
> Best Regards,
> Christian
> Am Montag, 14. März 2011 schrieb Rahul Gaur:
> > thanks for yr help..gnu cash is running properly now..compilation frm
> > svn `ve been sucessful.
> > Now for python project ideas...can you brief me about it..?
> > Thanks
> > Rahul

*Rahul Gaur*
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