On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Matt Riley wrote:

> Hello John,
> Thanks again for your feedback. I'm more of a web software engineer and 
> haven't 
> looked at C in quite awhile but I looked anyway.
> Is there any information on accessing libgnc-engine via QOF? I searched the 
> docs, wiki and archives. I realize my use case is probally beyond the scope 
> of 
> the application.
> I suppose in a worse case I can have my web application export the 
> transaction 
> data to a file format that GnuCash can import, assuming again that it won't 
> cause problems for GnuCash.

You do it the other way, meaning that you use engine functions to access QOF. I 
should have mentioned in my last message that the developer documentation is at 
http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/. In addition to C there are also Python and 
Guile (Scheme) bindings that you can use.

I think it's a much better plan to have your app write to a transfer file. QIF 
is what we usually recommend. There is unfortunately no QIF exporter for going 
the other way.

John Ralls

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