On 01/24/2011 01:18 AM, Christian Stimming wrote:
I do have an extremely simple module thrown
together so that python can be used from within gnucash,
You have? I'd be interested to see that. Even if it can't be used for
replacing scheme reports by python reports at this point in time, I would be
interested to see whether other scriptable tasks within gnucash can be done
through python already.

I'm at the point with scheme and eguile of just writing a "report" that calls out to Perl and takes the HTML on a pipe. Perlembed isn't much harder, at least once bindings are done.

I was hoping that I would be able to read directly from the database, but the abundance of KVP usage makes the schema too far from the objects for my taste, at least past simple reporting.

I'm planning on Perl bindings, at least to some extent, as I would like to be able to more cleanly integrate with Mason, Moose, and Catalyst sites, at least for reporting.

One thing that would be a huge help for anyone writing bindings would be a better-defined API. Unfortunately, there isn't a "libgnucash" to link against.


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