When I used Quicken many years ago, it had an option to include lines where 
either budget or actual was non-zero.

I used to be a hypochondriac AND a kleptomaniac. So I took something for it.

From: Mark Haanen <i...@haanen.net>
To: Benjamin Johnsen <ben.john...@gmail.com>
Cc: Phil Longstaff <plongst...@rogers.com>; gnucash-devel@gnucash.org; 
Stimming <stimm...@tuhh.de>
Sent: Thu, January 13, 2011 10:20:54 AM
Subject: Re: New Budget Report

Op woensdag 12-01-2011 om 15:31 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Benjamin
> The way my report works is it looks for accounts that have a budget value
> defined and will display those accounts.

For control purposes I'm often even _more_ interested in viewing the
actuals of the accounts that _don't_ have a budget value defined...

Mark Haanen
gnucash-devel mailing list

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