
There could be a dedicated GNUcash device using a small tablet, or
slider keyboard device, allowing for full use screens (where the device
and the screen, could be low power enough to be run from sunlight as
Mary Lou talks about in the first video at this link below).
See videos here:

I have had more testing going on with accounting software and note that
GNUcash (that runs on Windows, Linux, Apple) - has a fork group,  called
...who are looking to have a more GUI friendly development tool set and
that this will be very interesting to watch over the next year.

GNUCash needs reconcile report, Quicken Check (full voucher with check
and perforation parts printed on as well).  Also, for novice users a
simple check GUI input like Quicken and others have.  More easy to use
Split deposit and check transaction input form, etc.

IF this CuteCash group gets it done, and have nicer more friendly GUI
(using the very stable GNUcash core that exists now), then that product
could be put into a device, and sold as it is in shrink wrap to consumers.

GNUcash today will not do FULL FUND ACCOUNTING... as it needs to be
designed to do it from scratch.  There is a need for a FREE software
application that does all the "REAL" needs and functions of a true FUND
ACCOUNTING application -

So, the only problem for small non-profit groups with GNUcash or
CuteCash friendly fork, the lack of a FUND ACCOUNTING module that
works exactly like the MoneyCounts one, that is the only friendly FUND
ACCOUNTING that I have found (it runs on Windows only).

A FUND accounting software can be used for "FOR PROFIT BUSINESS" or
personal accounting needs, but the opposite will not work, meaning that
a regular accounting package like GNUcash, Quicken, Quickbooks, is not
able to do justice to meet the needs of a full FUND ACCOUNTING based

MoneyCounts is still available and is found at (and can contact
Quickverse, the publisher, for more "life-span" related info about it):
Of note - they have not kept this software current with Windows
development at all and so users in time will be without an upgrade
migration option...  Read this quote from the link:
"Please Note: MoneyCounts does not run on Vista 64 bit or Windows 7 64
bit systems. (Almost all Windows 7 systems are 64 bit). You can get the
program to run on 32 bit systems using the XP simulation feature built
into Vista. You can see a useful article on how to use this by clicking
here:32 Bit Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating help. WE REPEAT,
CIRCUMMSTANCES.Furthermore it is very unlikely that the publisher will develop the program to run in 64 bit

There was a DOS version of MoneyCounts and there is currently a Windows
version (but not much updating has gone on with it for a while).

Would be great if GNUcash or CuteCash fork, could do full fund accounting...
AND as a bonus it would be if it could migrate accounts from MoneyCounts
to this new GNUcash/Cute Cash fund accounting compatible software
(MoneyCounts is a question right now due to risk of future
non-development going on with that application that will leave it's
users orphaned at some point in time in the future).

A tablet or netbook product could be dedicated to using this FUND
ACCOUNTING CuteCash software (that could also do for profit accounting),
and be a dedicated accounting device that gets it's power from the sun
(like a solar calculator on steroids), and sold in shrink wrap on any
office supply or computer store shelf - hang from the peg board.  If
course, would be best if it used AA battery.  It would not have to be a
10.1 inch device, could be much smaller using 800x600 screen (maybe,
depending on the software)?

Best regards,

gnucash-devel mailing list

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