
On Sun, January 9, 2011 7:17 pm, Bill Hammond wrote:
> Hi, Derek,
> Does 0.0.5 sound right?  I confess that I don't really know how to
> extract version numbers from libraries.  I know enough Ubuntu to be
> dangerous.

Nope, 0.0.5 does not sound right.  It would be something like 0.8.2 or
0.8.3.  Most likely with 10.04 you have 0.8.3 and it's built with


> Bill
> On 01/09/2011 06:38 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sun, January 9, 2011 6:05 pm, Bill Hammond wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I am having a problem with make check on r20048 (and a few versions
>>> before that).  I am also having problems with gnucash 2.4.0 storing
>>> accounts as an SQL database.  The transaction dates and descriptions
>>> are
>>> displayed in the register but the amounts always show zero.
>>> Here's the error I get when I run make check.  There are no errors
>>> during the ./autogen / ./configure / make phases of building.
>>> I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with sqlite3 3.7.0.  I believe I have all the
>>> dbi stuff installed. I'm still running gnucash 2.2.9 with no problems.
>> What version of libdbi do you have?  This looks like the "libdbi
>> fastmath
>> bug" issue....
>> -derek
>>> Many thanks for your help.
>>> Bill
>>> -------- 8<-----------
>>> ...
>>> make[6]: Entering directory
>>> `/home/ka1ssr/development/gnucash/src/backend/dbi/test'
>>> Using filename: /tmp/test-IuSwjr
>>> Testing sqlite3
>>> * 17:49:12  CRIT <gnc.engine> xaccSplitSetValue: assertion
>>> `gnc_numeric_check(amt) == GNC_ERROR_OK' failed
>>> * 17:49:12  CRIT <gnc.engine> xaccSplitSetAmount: assertion
>>> `gnc_numeric_check(amt) == GNC_ERROR_OK' failed
>>> * 17:49:12  CRIT <gnc.engine> xaccSplitSetValue: assertion
>>> `gnc_numeric_check(amt) == GNC_ERROR_OK' failed
>>> * 17:49:12  CRIT <gnc.engine> xaccSplitSetAmount: assertion
>>> `gnc_numeric_check(amt) == GNC_ERROR_OK' failed
>>> * 17:49:13  WARN <gnc.account> [xaccAccountEqual()] kvp frames differ:
>>> {
>>>     double-val => KVP_VALUE_DOUBLE(3.14159),
>>>     timespec-val => KVP_VALUE_TIMESPEC(2011-01-09 17:49:07.000000
>>> -0500),
>>>     int64-val => KVP_VALUE_GINT64(100),
>>>     numeric-val => KVP_VALUE_NUMERIC(0/1),
>>>     guid-val => KVP_VALUE_GUID(9770a545afadcd208e7f4ce0ed5b175e),
>>>     string-val => KVP_VALUE_STRING(abcdefghijklmnop),
>>> }
>>> vs
>>> {
>>>     double-val => KVP_VALUE_DOUBLE(0),
>>>     timespec-val => KVP_VALUE_TIMESPEC(2011-01-09 17:49:07.000000
>>> -0500),
>>>     int64-val => KVP_VALUE_GINT64(0),
>>>     numeric-val => KVP_VALUE_NUMERIC(0/0),
>>>     string-val => KVP_VALUE_STRING(abcdefghijklmnop),
>>>     guid-val => KVP_VALUE_GUID(9770a545afadcd208e7f4ce0ed5b175e),
>>> }
>>> * 17:49:13  WARN <gnc.account> [xaccAcctChildrenEqual()] accounts
>>> 9770a545afadcd208e7f4ce0ed5b175e and 9770a545afadcd208e7f4ce0ed5b175e
>>> differ
>>> * 17:49:13  WARN <gnc.account> [xaccAccountEqual()] children differ
>>> FAILURE Accounts trees match test-dbi-stuff.c:63
>>> Returned from index list
>>>  You may ignore the warning about the lock file having no entries: We
>>> had to ignore locking to run two sessions on the same database
>>> * 17:49:13  WARN <gnc.backend.dbi> [gnc_dbi_unlock()] There was no lock
>>> entry in the Lock table
>>> Executed 5 tests. There was 1 failure.
>>> FAIL: test-dbi-basic
>>> Using filename: /tmp/test-0V18aa
>>> Testing sqlite3
>>> Returned from index list
>>>  You may ignore the warning about the lock file having no entries: We
>>> had to ignore locking to run two sessions on the same database
>>> * 17:49:19  WARN <gnc.backend.dbi> [gnc_dbi_unlock()] There was no lock
>>> entry in the Lock table
>>> Executed 5 tests. All tests passed.
>>> PASS: test-dbi
>>> Using filename: /tmp/test-NWyw4B
>>> Testing sqlite3
>>>  You may ignore the warning about the lock file having no entries: We
>>> had to ignore locking to run two sessions on the same database
>>> * 17:49:26  WARN <gnc.backend.dbi> [gnc_dbi_unlock()] There was no lock
>>> entry in the Lock table
>>> Executed 7 tests. All tests passed.
>>> PASS: test-dbi-business
>>> Executed 1 test. All tests passed.
>>> PASS: test-load-backend
>>> ==========================================
>>> 1 of 4 tests failed
>>> Please report to gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
>>> ==========================================
>>> make[6]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
>>> make[6]: Leaving directory
>>> `/home/ka1ssr/development/gnucash/src/backend/dbi/test'
>>> make[5]: *** [check-am] Error 2
>>> make[5]: Leaving directory
>>> `/home/ka1ssr/development/gnucash/src/backend/dbi/test'
>>> make[4]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[4]: Leaving directory
>>> `/home/ka1ssr/development/gnucash/src/backend/dbi/test'
>>> make[3]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[3]: Leaving directory
>>> `/home/ka1ssr/development/gnucash/src/backend/dbi'
>>> make[2]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[2]: Leaving directory
>>> `/home/ka1ssr/development/gnucash/src/backend'
>>> make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ka1ssr/development/gnucash/src'
>>> make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
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