See below prefixed by [Phil].  I've also prefixed Derek's comments with [Derek] 
where there might be confusion.

I used to be a hypochondriac AND a kleptomaniac. So I took something for it.

From: Derek Atkins <>
To: John Ralls <>
Cc: Phil Longstaff <>; Gnucash Devel Mailing List 
Sent: Mon, January 3, 2011 12:00:14 PM
Subject: Re: Splitting the slots table

John Ralls <> writes:

> We need to re-think KVP entirely: It doesn't match up very well with
> the relational model.

Yeah.  The KVP model works great for XML extensibility.  It does suck
for SQL extensibility.

[Derek] As we move forward I think we need to think about both methods.  We have
some requirements in that object A needs to somehow mark/tag object B
but Object B doesn't know about said tagging.  I'm not sure how you go
about doing that in a full relational database.  I suppose you could
have a "object B tag from object A" table using a foreign key, but then
you have to do a table join to get the data out,

[Phil] Which object would do the join?  For object B to load the info, it needs 
to know about object A's table.  I suppose object A could load a sub-object and 
tack it onto object B.  That might, in fact, be the best option.  Object B 
its stuff as normal.  Object A then loads its stuff into a struct and registers 
that struct with object B using the name "Object A's additions".  It could then 
get its stuff back, and when registering, there could be added callbacks to be 
used when object B is deleted or saved.

[Derek] and you need to make
sure that you remove the data from this new table if the object is
removed from the main table.....

[Phil] Can this not be done with the foreign key constraint using ON DELETE 
CASCADE (I think that's it)?

It all gets very complicated very quickly.

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH                        PGP key available
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