On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Derek Atkins <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:

> On Sat, December 11, 2010 11:32 pm, Donald Allen wrote:
> >
> >>  Normally your distribution would do this for you, but as you're running
> >> Slackware all bets are off and I'm afraid you're on your own.
> >
> >  If you were
> >> running Fedora or Ubuntu it would "just work".
> >>
> >
> > Now why would I want to go and do a thing like that ?-)
> >
> > If I built gnucash from source on a Fedora or Ubuntu system under the
> same
> > circumstances as I did with Slackware (never having installed the
> official
> > gnucash package, but having manually installed the dependent packages to
> > make the source build happy) I think it's possible that the same problem
> > might occur, unless installation of the slib package also configures it.
> It does.  On Fedora and on Ubuntu, the slib package comes pre-configured
> with a working slibcat file that gets created as part of the package
> installation.  I'm not sure if it's created when the package is built or
> when the package is installed, but the end result is the same, a working
> slibcat when you install the slib package.

Ah, that's helpful to know, because this is not handled correctly, in my
opinion, by the Slackware gnucash/slib packages. The Slackware package gets
generated by downloading a slackbuild and a source tarball via the
slackbuilds.org website. You use the slackbuild stuff to build an
installable slackware package from the source. The problem, which I have
grumped at the gnucash package-maintainer about, is that configuring slib is
done as a side-effect of the build process. This means that you can't take
the resulting slackware package and install it on another machine and have
it Just Work. Despite my complaint about this, it has not been fixed, so
armed with what you've told me, I'll get in touch with the slib package
maintainer and try to convince her to add slibcat generation as a
side-effect of *installation* of that package and get the gnucash maintainer
to subtract it from the gnucash package build process, which I think is the
wrong place for it.

Thanks --

> -derek
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