On 11/10/2010 3:24 PM, Yue Yuanyuan wrote:
Right now I have one project need the OFX connection to the Bank. I am new
to this area. Checked the documentation, but still not sure where to start.
I want to set up one server which could download data from bank using OFX
and transfer money to pay a bill.
Is there any documentation about how to implement this function? And in
GNUCash, which part of code finishes this function?
Thank you so much.
Gavin Yue
This is probably more of a -users list question, but anyway...
Setting up to download transaction histories is covered in:
You will not be able to transfer money with OFX in gnucash. There are no
publicly available test servers for OFX. So no one has written any open
source software to access the transfer money/pay bills portions of the
ofx spec.
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