Hi Tom,

On 2010-09-29, at 15:58, Thomas Bullock wrote:

>> […]
> [<Tom:>] Yawar,  thanks for all  the attention you have paid to this patch of 
> mine.  I just now got caught up with your previous emails connected with my 
> patch and also trac changesets 19618 and 19619.  I now have these 
> questions/comments:
> 1.  Where do I learn how to use Trac?  Its output is excellent when showing 
> clearing the differences between two items.

Trac is a basically a convenient, no-installation-required Web-based viewer for 
what’s going on in the repository. It has a kind of news feed called the 
Timeline [1], and a nice way of looking at each change that goes into the 
software or docs. That’s the diff viewer you’ve seen previously.

I would guess the developers are more dependent on repository-management 
software they have installed on their own computers, rather than Trac. See [2] 
and [3].

> 2.  I suppose in learning how to use Trac I will learn how to integrate 
> several modules into one output file.  If not, how do I do that?

A single patch can actually contain all three kinds of changes: adding a new 
file, modifying an existing file, and deleting an existing file. Just make any 
and all changes you want, cd to the top-level directory of the gnucash-docs 
project, and run a ‘diff -ur >changes.patch’ from there. That will look through 
all subdirectories for changes and integrate everything into a single patch. 
For details on the diff command, run ‘man diff’ and skim through the options 
there. (You can ignore most of them. Press Space to scroll down by a page, and 
‘q’ to exit the manual viewer.)

> 3.  What happens in XML or HTML when trailing spaces are not removed?  It 
> clearly is important or you would not have spent the effort.

Oh dear. I’m afraid I’m something of a pedant about whitespace :-) As I 
mentioned in the change message, it’s cosmetic. Sometimes spurious whitespace 
clutters up a repository’s history, so some people don’t like it. From the 
perspective of XML/HTML, multiple trailing spaces are simply combined into a 
single space in the output file. So e.g.,

        He said, <quote>I don’t     believe you.</quote>

would be turned into

        He said, “I don’t believe you.”

> 4.  How does trac detect the presence of spaces in one module and not the 
> other?  If you removed the unwanted spaces, how did you disclose them in 
> order to remove them?

Trac actually just displays all its information from the GnuCash version 
control (change control) repository, managed by Subversion.[2] It knows how to 
display changes in a nice, friendly way.

> 5.  thanks for calling to my attention these XML proper treatments: &rsquo;, 
> &dash;, and <quote>...</quote>

Ah, another cosmetic obsession of mine :-) &rsquo;, &lsquo;, and friends are 
just a few of the pre-defined entities we can use in our XML/HTML.[4]

> 6.  I found two errors that I had not caught previously: one is a spelling 
> error; the other is a sequence of tenses error.  Since you have promoted my 
> modules, when would be the proper time to correct those by making another 
> patch.  I assume it would be after you get done promoting my changes to 2.2 
> as well as the trunk.  Is that correct?  If so, when will that likely be?  If 
> not correct, what is your recommendation?

By any chance: discesses and damaage? Check out [5]: I’ve fixed those. If my 
changes in [6] and [7] look OK to you, I can go ahead and commit them to the 
repository. In any case, send a patch to the list, and I’ll integrate all your 
further changes. It doesn’t matter that you and I work in parallel and maybe 
change some of the same things–the software can handle that, that’s the beauty 
of it :-)

As for the 2.2 branch, my plan is to finalise this series of patches on trunk 
into a ‘correct’ state, then backport (duplicate with any necessary changes) 
each of the patches onto 2.2, in one fell swoop.

> Thanks again for your very careful review of my patch.  

Glad to help. Some people collect stamps, I collect patches … :-)

> Other Issue:  Still working on my description of what is needed in the 
> sequence of steps for newcomers participating in the documentation effort.  
> Per John Ralls advice, I will put that in the wiki and let others know when 
> that happens.

It’s definitely a lot to learn. XML … DocBook … diffing … reading diffs and 
understanding changes … the Wiki is a nice way to lower the barriers to entry 
though. What I hope for is a kind of relay race where the non-technical people 
can provide valuable content, then the more technical-minded people can run 
with it–massage it and mold it to fit inside the system.



[1] http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/timeline
[2] http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Subversion
[3] http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git
[4] http://www.netlingo.com/tips/html-code-cheat-sheet.php
[5] http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2010-September/029687.html

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