2.  gnucash-guide.xml:293: element xref: validity error : IDREF attribute 
linkend references an
    unknown ID "ch_oth_assets.xml"

I have listed ch_oth_assets.xml in gnucash-guide.xml both as<!ENTITY chapter16 SYSTEM 
"ch_oth_assets.xml">  (given on line 19)  and also as&chapter16; (given on line 
OK, this means that you’ve defined a system entity (basically, a file living on 
the disk) named ‘ch_oth_assets.xml’ and which can be referred to as 
‘chapter16’. What you can do with this is by writing


at a certain point in the documentation, you can make the XML processor read in 
the entire contents of the file at that point. And in fact this is how the 
documentation is put together for all chapters, if you look at the last part of 
the gnucash-guide.xml file.

But this won’t work with the<xref>  tag, because it uses a different way of 
referring to chapters.

What you would do is, in your ch_oth_assets.xml file, you would have something 

   <chapter id=“chapter_oth_assets”>
     <title>Other Assets</title>

Then, anywhere else in the docs, you would be able to write something like

   <xref linkend=“chapter_oth_assets”/>  of this Guide.</para>
The vital thing is that in the<xref linkend=“whatever”/>, ‘whatever’ must match 
the<chapter id=“whatever”>…</chapter>. That way, the correct chapter number will be 
put in at that point:

   Chapter 16 of this guide.


I got the "<xref linkend" tag to work! Proof was that there were no errors when I ran the xmllint command.

Question 1:

When I wanted to view the files in my Firefox browser I got this for the chapter named ch_accts.xml:

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: file:///home/tbullock/gc-docs-090510/guide/C/ch_accts.xml
Line Number 20, Column 19:

accounts. Since &app; does not impose any specific account tree layout,

Why does it view the symbolic parameter as an entity? How have you made the browser resolve the parameter making symbolic substitution? Do you have a script that does that prior to browser display?

Question 2:

I ran "svn diff" in a terminal and the result showed what I was expecting.  I 
then wanted to capture the output into a file to attach to a bugzilla bug report.  I used 
this command:
"svn diff | patch1" thinking I was going to pipe the output into the file 
called patch1.  Instead I got this response:

No command 'patch1' found, did you mean Command 'patch' from package 'patch' (main)

obviously, I am misleading ubuntu 10.4 and don't know how to pipe output into a new file. What should I be doing?


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