Am Thursday 09 September 2010 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> By coincidence I noticed that several translations have incorrect
> translations of messages with disambiguation prefixes.
> If you encounter a msgid such as
> "Action Column|Deposit"
> the resulting msgstr should only contain the translation of "Deposit".
> So translating this into for example Dutch should result in
> "Storting"
> Both of the following translations are wrong:
> "Action Column|Storting"
> "Actie kolom|Storting"
> The translated string should never contain the part before the "|" nor the
> "|" itself.

I've fixed this in all remaining *.po files:

for F in *.po ; do echo $F ; perl -pi -e's/^(msgstr ").*\|/\1/' $F ; done

Hopefully this doesn't collide with any translation which is currently being 
worked on - if it does, we just throw away our changes and accept what the 
translators send to us.

Best Regards,

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