Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 21:19:25 +0200
From: Geert Janssens <>
Subject: Development visualization with gource
To: "" <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="us-ascii"

Today I felt like doing something else than hunting bugs on the GnuCash code, 
so I made something prettier:

This video is a visual representation of the development of GnuCash since its 
early beginnings in 1997 up until today.

Above is a <SNIP>

Beautiful job, Geert!

A couple questions:

a) who is the queen bee at the very start of the demo?  Derek Atkins?  Someone 
no longer on the project?  Very impressive chain of activities.

b) I assume you did this with the changes to code.  Would doing the same to the 
documentation be worth showing?

c) Due to the plethora of branches spinning off in so many directions it is 
confusing to understand what is illustrated.  Are some of the small branches 
now defunct?  Or how are these to be understood and which is the main branch 
from which we take the stable version?  If that can be detected from the info 
in the graphic display, my visual was too small to read the numbers and words.  
The graphic is a great presentation of what is happening or happened.  A 
footnote on at least the main  branches would help appreciate the various 
parts.  Don't know if that would be possible.   

I really like what you created and would like to see that as an ongoing 
component of GC to help newcomers appreciate where we came from and where we 
are now.


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