Today I felt like doing something else than hunting bugs on the GnuCash code, so I made something prettier: This video is a visual representation of the development of GnuCash since its early beginnings in 1997 up until today. This almost 7 minutes video was created with gource (, using the following command: gource -1280x720 --highlight-all-users -s .05 \ --hide-filenames --user-scale 2 --crop horizontal \ --date-format "%d %B %Y" --stop-at-end --output-ppm-stream - \ --output-framerate 30 . | ffmpeg -y -b 3000K -r 30 \ -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 \ -vpre slow /home/janssege/gnucash-gource.mp4 Just for fun... Geert _______________________________________________ gnucash-devel mailing list