
Just wanted to give the developers a head up on a problem I ran into with 
Ubuntu 10.04.1 running gnucash 2.3.14 or the most current 2.3.14 svn (r19439)

The 2.3.14 version worked fine until about 3 weeks ago, and then the program 
started crashing.  That is when I acquired the SVN version and compiled.

I tracked it down to a problem with the libglib version installed from a 
Rhythmbox PPA.  When I reverted to the previous version with ppa-purge (my 
current version is 2.24.1)  the problem resolved.
So it appears that there is a conflict with that library.  I was able to track 
down dmesg and the gnucash debug log.  However, since recompiling and reverting 
I do not have that error log anymore.  (Hindsight is 20:20)

If it is important I can probably reinstall the rythmbox PPA and run and 
replicate the error. (It happened every time with the 2.25.1 version of 
libglib).  Scenario:  I would pull up a report and when I tried to close the 
program would crash.  Upon restarting the report window would still be there, 
so there was no way to get rid of report windows once they were called up. Same 
problem with every report (standard or custom).  Hope this is helpful. 

Greg Long

Gregory J. Long, Ph.D.
Dept. of Biology
Olivet Nazarene University
Bourbonnais, IL 60914

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