
the main Gnucash page (www.gnucash.org) includes release announcements that 
include substantial lists of changes from version to version. I don't know if 
the lists are exhaustive, but they are sure exhausting to wade through. 

There may be a better way to get this information, since I believe it's culled 
from svn somehow.


Hi David,

Thanks for pointing out the lists of changes.  I have scanned the current page 
and see what you mean. 

It looks like among what is there I could get an idea of the kinds of changes 
that occur.  A lot of the present entries mention bug fixes.  I hope to 
identify main software enhancements, the end results of all the individual 
correcting steps.  It is certainly a place not to be overlooked.

The present pages documents only from version 2.3.7 thru 2.3.14.  I have to 
review from 2.0.0 to 2.4 (whenever that is released), so I have a much bigger 
list.  Do you know where I can get changes listed from 2.0.0 thru 2.3.6?



-----Original Message-----
From: David T. [mailto:sunfis...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 8:47 PM
To: John Ralls; Thomas Bullock
Cc: gnucash-devel gnucash
Subject: Re: Manual and Guide Versions in the documentation

--- On Tue, 8/3/10, Tom Bullock <tbull...@nd.edu> wrote:

> From: Tom Bullock <tbull...@nd.edu>
> Subject: Manual and Guide Versions in the documentation
> To: "John Ralls" <jra...@ceridwen.us>
> Cc: "gnucash-devel gnucash" <gnucash-devel@gnucash.org>
> Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 2:23 PM
> <<snip>>
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 12:50:20 -0700
> From: John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us>
> Subject: Website Links
> Also, the online manual and guide seem to be for 2.0; it
> should be updated to 2.2.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> <</snip>>
> John,
> Your comment raises the question: What is the
> process/method that documentation version reporting should
> follow?
> Looking at the little I have been working on in the Guide,
> the top-level NEWS module shows a history of version changes
> ending at version 2.0.1 dated 10/08/2006. Before that,
> leading up to that point,  there is a trail of version
> changes and implementation dates (I infer) with a brief
> comment about reason for entry.
> Since the documentation seems to be behind installation of
> new features, is there a way to identify the features added
> since the last point at which the documentation did match
> the feature install? If that can be figured out, then that
> provides a "to-do" list for documentation updates (I
> assume). It also would suggest the order that patches should
> be added, if documenting in the order of oldest to newest
> feature first.

the main Gnucash page (www.gnucash.org) includes release announcements that 
include substantial lists of changes from version to version. I don't know if 
the lists are exhaustive, but they are sure exhausting to wade through. 

There may be a better way to get this information, since I believe it's culled 
from svn somehow.


> Your thoughts and anyone else's experience would be much
> appreciated to define the scope of what is needed.
> Thanks.
> Tom
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