SVN r19378 on Fedora12

I get the following log output when running any report .

In /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
 649: 17* (set! doc (if template (let* (# # # ...) (if # # ...) ...) ...))
 649: 18* (if template (let* (# # # ...) (if # # ...) ...) ...)
 650: 19  (let* (# # # #) (if # # #) (gnc:report-set-ctext! report html) ...)
 654: 20* (if (string? doc) (set! html doc) ...)
 656: 21  (begin (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc stylesheet) (set! 
html #))
 658: 22  (set! html (gnc:html-document-render doc headers?))
 658: 23* [gnc:html-document-render # #t]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/html-document.scm:
 131: 24  (let (# # #) (if stylesheet # #))
In unknown file:
   ?: 25  [gnc:html-style-sheet-render # # #t]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/html-style-sheet.scm:
 233: 26  (let (# #) (gnc:html-document-set-title! newdoc #) ...)
 233: 27* [easy-renderer #<procedure dispatch #> #]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/stylesheet-easy.scm:
 180: 28  (let* (# # # ...) (gnc:html-document-add-object! ssdoc #) ...)
 317: 29* (let* ((t #)) (gnc:html-table-set-style! t "table" ...) ...)
 331: 30* [add-css-information-to-doc #<procedure dispatch #> #]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/html-fonts.scm:
 115: 31  (let* (# # # # ...) (gnc:html-document-set-style-text! ssdoc #))
 120: 32* [#<procedure #f (section name)> "General" "Enable Alternate Line 
 118: 33  [gnc:option-value #f]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:
 139: 34  (let* ((getter (gnc:option-getter option))) (getter))
 139: 35* [gnc:option-getter #f]
 112: 36  [vector-ref #f 5]
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:112:3: In procedure vector-ref in 
expression (vector-ref option 5):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:112:3: Wrong type argument in 
position 2: 5

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