Now I have a more serious problem and I am not sure if it is
realated. I updated from svn and was able to start GnuCash one
time. Piecharts still did not work but I got a different backtrace,
see below.

Next time I tried to start GnuCash I got a message box:

Ein Bericht hat eine Identifikationsnummer (»report-guid«), die doppelt 
Bitte prüfen Sie, ob folgende »report-guid« fälschlicherweise in den 
Berichten mehr als ein Mal auftritt: e1bd09b8a1dd49dd85760db9d82b045c

I get a total of 4 of these boxes with different report-guids.

Most puzzling is, that I get these message boxes even if I start
with the --nofile option.

Where shall I look for this report-guid? I already deleted my .gnucash

Christian Stimming wrote:
> Am Saturday 19 June 2010 schrieb Herbert Thoma:
>> Hi,
>> after updating from svn piecharts are broken for me.
>> Piecharts worked before, the last update was about a week ago.
> That one goes on me (r19253, r19252), sorry for that. I hope I have disabled 
> enough the new feature now (in r19280). Seems to me I might still have messed 
> up the Scheme case-syntax in date-utilities.scm, 

The first time I started GnuCash after the svn up I got this backtrace:

 650: 16  (let* (# # # #) (if # # #) (gnc:report-set-ctext! report html) ...)
 652: 17* [#<procedure #f #> #]
 538: 18  [piechart-renderer # "Expense Accounts" ...]
 257: 19  (let* (# # # # ...) (define # #) (define # #) ...)
 281: 20* (case averaging-selection (# #) (# #) ...)
 In procedure memoization in expression (case averaging-selection (# #) ...):
 In file 
 line 280: Bad case labels #...@else in expression (case averaging-selection 
((quote YearDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Yearly Average"))) 
((quote MonthDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Monthly Average"))) 
((quote WeekDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Weekly Average"))) 
(#...@else report-title)).

> (define (gnc:date-get-fraction-func interval)
>   (case interval
>     ('YearDelta gnc:date-to-year-fraction)
>     ('MonthDelta gnc:date-to-month-fraction)
>     ('WeekDelta gnc:date-to-week-fraction)
>     ('DayDelta gnc:date-to-day-fraction)
>     (else #f)))
> and my intention was that if "interval" has the value #f or 'None, this 
> statement should return #f, but for the four other symbols it should return 
> the values of the other variables. However, the error message indicates this 
> isn't the correct syntax for the else-branch if "interval" had the value 
> 'None 
> :
>> In file
>> "/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/date-utilities.scm", line 191: Bad case
>> labels #...@else in expression (case interval ((quote YearDelta)
>> gnc:date-to-year-fraction) ((quote MonthDelta) gnc:date-to-month-fraction)
>> ((quote WeekDelta) gnc:date-to-week-fraction) ((quote DayDelta)
>> gnc:date-to-day-fraction) (#...@else #f)). 
> Some Scheme help, anyone?
> Thanks!
> Christian

Herbert Thoma
Dipl.-Ing., MBA
Head of Video Group
Multimedia Realtime Systems Department
Fraunhofer IIS
Am Wolfsmantel 33, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49-9131-776-6130
Fax:   +49-9131-776-6099
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