On Jun 10, 2010, at 7:42 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

> On Thursday 10 June 2010, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jun 10, 2010, at 1:29 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
>>> On Thursday 10 June 2010, John Ralls wrote:
>>>> Try pulling ige-mac-bundler. I had some changes that I hadn't pushed,
>>>> and just did.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> John Ralls
>>> That takes care of the illegal src attribute for the binary tag. Thanks.
>>> Next issue I run into:
>>> bash-3.2$ ige-mac-bundler gnucash-unstable.bundle
>>> Cannot find source to copy: /Users/janssege/gnucash-
>>> unstable/share/gnome/help/gnucash/C/gnucash-help
>>> There is indeed no such directory on my system. Do you perhaps build
>>> gnucash- svn with a different configuration in you local
>>> .jhbuildrc-custom which pulls in the gnucash documentation as well ?
>> Yes, I build gnucash-docs-svn (or gnucash-docs for a stable build) as the
>> last target in my "modules" list. It would probably make more sense for
>> you to just comment out the documentation element in the bundle file.
>> Depending on what you're doing, you may also want to comment out the
>> translations elements as well.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
> I'm asking all these questions to be able to improve the documentation...
> I have disabled the docs part for now. Next missing piece:
> /Library/Frameworks/Stripped/QtCore.framework
> I have /Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework
> So it seems we have selected different Qt downloads. Where did you get the 
> "Stripped" ones that are referred to in the bundle file ?

I think that I made them by running "find /path/to/Qt -name *.dylib --exec 
strip \{\} \;" . That's probably not something you need to worry about; I did 
it because of complaints about the download size. The easy solution for you is 
to just make the path line up, but perhaps I should change the paths around on 
my build machine.

> I'm mainly building on OS X (and Win32) to make sure my changes won't bluntly 
> break the build on other platforms. On OS X this means I also should test the 
> installer, because of it's custom launcher script that's not part of the 
> gnucash source repository. I'm very happy with gnucash OS X. While I don't 
> use 
> it myself very often, I've got several OS X using friends that are or would 
> be 
> well served by it.
> As a side goal, I use this opportunity to proof-read the wiki documentation 
> on 
> building gnucash on OS X. I have the advantage to start from an empty setup, 
> so I quickly notice anything that is undocumented or silently assumes extra 
> steps.
> The wiki page doesn't mention anything about gnucash-docs-svn or 
> gnucash-docs. 
> So when strictly following the steps outlined in there, I think "Making a 
> Bundle" will fail, is that correct ?

Yes, obviously, since it did for you. 

There's a fundamental conflict in the gnucash bundle between things that are 
needed to make a distributable bundle and what an individual needs for a single 
local installation. The wiki goes in one direction, the actual scripts go in 
another. Lacking any indication that anyone is actually doing any building or 
bundling, I haven't done anything with the wiki since the last time you bugged 
me about it, but I have changed the scripts and modules to deal with complaints 
about not having translations and to integrate external changes (like the new 
version of ige-mac-integration). I'll put some time in today to get the wiki 
reflecting everything I do to build the distribution. After all, if I get hit 
by a bus tomorrow, it should be possible for someone else to take over the OSX 

John Ralls

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