Am Tuesday 08 June 2010 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> > On a separate note, why are we using Glade in some places and GtkBuilder
> > in others? In particular, why was there thrashing a few months ago to
> >  upgrade to Glade3 and then reverse it? Everyone here is aware that
> >  Glade is going away in Gnome3, right?
> It was me that proposed some time ago to update the dialogs to glade3 (and
> hence gtkbuilder). I was advised to wait until after 2.4 so I didn't
> pursue. I believe the switch was postponed out of fear it would
> destabilize the development tree. At that moment in time, it looked like
> 2.4 was right around the corner, but reality turned out differently.

Exactly. Right now I would prefer to have a conversion of all .glade files to 
glade3 rather soon, because otherwise all patches for glade files will be an 
unreadable change of the whole file instead of a limited amount of changed 
lines with the actual code change.

However, apparently the conversion might introduce bugs just like the one John 
fortunately fixed. This widget renaming was introduced by a commit of me 
(sorry for that) of a bugzilla patch, but neither the contributor nor myself 
would have spotted problems like these on our own. I'm surprised there isn't 
any "more secure" upgrade path of the glade files available... If anyone knows 
how to have those files converted *without* any widget renamings, I would 
welcome to have everything converted ASAP.


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