Is there a place where I can get some doc on the db schema so I can
convert the data myself?
On 07/06/2010 15:39, Derek Atkins wrote:
Geert Janssens<> writes:
On Saturday 5 June 2010, bdebrabant wrote:
I am currently running gnucash 2.3.1 with postgresql backend.
When recently trying to upgrade to the latest release, I've faced a few
issues related to the db changes.
When launching gnucash after the upgrade, it recreated the db schema,
dumping the existing one (which I had to restore from backup).
One thing I've tried was to dump the data into an xml file. It failed,
due apparently to the amount of data.
Aren't the db changes supposed to be automatically applied to the
existing schema (new columns, date formatting) when upgrading?
If not, is there a tool to convert my current database?
You are using an unstable version of GnuCash. There is no guarantee on data
compatibility between unstable releases. So no, the db changes aren't
automatically applied.
If you say you tried to dump to xml, do you mean you tried to "Save as..."
from within GnuCash ? And that didn't work ? Can you open it with say 2.2.9 ?
Other than that, you could try to export to QIF and reimport that in a newer
version. Or perhaps Phill has got a better idea.
Oh, and if the data is important to you, please don't manipulate it with some
unstable software ;)
There were a bunch of SQL issues in the early 2.3.x releases. If you
were using 2.3.1 I'm afraid your data is locked in; there's no way to
upgrade, and I believe due to some of the issues there's no way to
extract it, either.
You'll have to start over.
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