On 20 May 2010, at 6:32 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
Your solution to block the whole database is good enough for me.
It's a real shame that a system fundamentally designed to offer multi
user access to data should be crippled in such a fashion. In the
process, virtually all reasons to use a SQL database are lost.
What was "fundamentally designed to offer multi user access"?
SQL databases.
most certainly was not, even when it's using a SQL Database for data
storage. Repeat after me: GnuCash is NOT a Database Application.
a standalone application that happens to be able to use a database
instead of SQL, but fundamentally it's still a standalone application.
The fact that the DATABASE can be accessed multi-user has nothing to
with the fact that GnuCash was NOT designed to handle that and
needs to protect its data from users who try to do it.
Which over time pretty much renders it useless.
In any practical usage, even in it's simplest form, you start off
small and simple, and then eventually you reach a point where you want
to share the file between two people, or share the file with an
accountant, and you can't.
Which is a real pity, because in my experience gnucash gives about 95%
of what a small business needs, tripping up on that last little bit.
The fact that gnucash can be asked to save the file in text/xml helps,
because you can version this in something like svn. But versioning a
database isn't easy at all.
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