>> The page Sizing is somewhat outdated. Has anybody more recent statistics
>>  than 2003?
> No. I guess this page should rather be removed, unless someone gets curious
> enough to provide a sane update to that sort of table...

May be it's good idea that replace the current manual sizing report by
StatSVN generated report. You can have a look of StatSVN,
http://www.statsvn.org/index.html, it's easy to use, and have some
basic idea about the project activity and size.

>>  Counting gnucashs .po's are there 36 instead of the published 23
>>  languages. Authors are 18+185-1(I am twice named)=202 instead of 139.
>> That's my current state, may be there are some more inaccuracies.
> Right, but then again, the whole "sizing" page would need to be re-created...
> Thanks for the feedback!

Not only for the Sizing page, features page's languages number also
need to be updated.

BTW, the current unstable version should be 2.3.12, but the download
page said it's 2.3.10, it should be updated too.


Tao Wang
gnucash-devel mailing list

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