
I finished the Simplified Chinese translation for GnuCash win32
installer. I send you as attachment. Since I haven't done this before,
could you double check my modification for me? And could you help me
to commit to the trunk? Thanks.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:03 PM, cr...@libero.it <cr...@libero.it> wrote:
> Below there are the directions from Christian Stimming that I received when I
> wanted to do the same thing for Italian (I hope that they are still valid:
> developer please confirm):
>>>> I would like to know if it's possible (and how) to translate the GnuCash
>>>> windows installer in Italian.
>>> Sure. All settings related to the language(s) in the installer are
>>> controlled through the file packaging/win32/gnucash.iss.in . During
>>> "make ; make install" time, the file gnucash.iss will be created from
>>> that iss.in file, which in turn will be used as input for the Inno
>>> Setup program that creates the installer.
>>> In particular, the following settings will have to be added:
>>> - For the built-in messages of the Installer, in section [Languages]
>>> (line 220), add a line
>>> Name: "it" MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Italian.isl"
>>> - For the gnucash-specific messages in the Installer, copy&paste all
>>> lines in the [CustomMessages] section (line 232 and following) similar
>>> to the other languages: You will have to add one line beginning like
>>> "it.MessageNameFooBar" for each custom message and add your italian
>>> translation there.
>>> - One line has to be added for the CodePage in line 262, like so:
>>> it.LanguageCodePage=1252
>>> - If you want to translate the "README" which is shown as last screen
>>> as well, you have to create a file like doc/README-de.win32-bin.txt
>>> but for "it", then add the appropriate installation rules in
>>> doc/Makefile.am, then add this file to the gnucash.iss.in line with
>>> the MessagesFile:"... Italian.isl", line 220, similar to the other
>>> languages.
> Regards
> Cristian
>>----Messaggio originale----
>>Da: dancef...@gmail.com
>>Data: 26/04/2010 22.40
>>A: <gnucash-devel@gnucash.org>
>>Ogg: How to translate Windows Installer?
>>I almost finished my po translation, and I want to translate the
>>Windows installer to support zh_CN. Could you tell me how to do the
>>translation for Windows Installer? Thanks.
>>Tao Wang
>>gnucash-devel mailing list


Tao Wang

Attachment: gnucash_win32_installer_zh_CN.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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