> > On 1/29/10 5:44 PM, Cristian KLEIN said:
> >> Please review and give your opinions about a feature I would like to
> >> add to GnuCash called "auto-clear". [1]

Interesting idea. However, in my use case (German checking account) I doubt 
this feature would have many of the non-ambiguous opportunities so that no 
user checking is necessary. But this isn't necessarily a problem - maybe the 
use case here is simply very different from how bank accounts are used in your 

> > Can parts of GnuCash be distributed under GPL v2 or later while others
> > are distributed as GPL v2 only? Are these two licensing options
> > compatible? I'm just raising this because of the recent thread (
> > http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2010-January/thread.html
> >#27208 ).
> I just to the header from some random file inside the GnuCash tree. I'll
> be happy to adapt the copyright header to whatever the GnuCash community
> expects.

The copyright header is fine. As the author of the code you have all freedom 
to contribute your code under whatever license or set of licenses you like. As 
for compatibility with the existing gnucash code:

- Any contribution which should be allowed to be used with the rest of gnucash 
code right now must be licensed under GPL v2. It might be dual-licensed under 
whatever else one can think of, but if it isn't licensed under GPL v2, it 
currently cannot be used with (all parts of) gnucash.

- Any contribution which should be allowed to be used within gnucash in the 
medium term should hopefully be also licensed under GPL v3, as the point will 
come when gnucash's requirements move to GPL v3 and from then on, the "GPL v2 
only and nothing else"-parts of gnucash cannot be used with its required 
libraries anymore. Hence, to make your contribution future-proof in terms of 
licensing, please also license it under GPL v3. Licensing it as "GPL v2 or 
later" includes this case.

The citation from gnu.org in that other message concerned the case when code 
parts with given licenses already exist and the question is which parts can be 
combined with which others. The citation did *not* discuss the question which 
licenses you (as the author) are allowed to grant on your contribution 
(potentially in parallel), because you are allowed to grant any license in 
parall that you wish.


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