For the record it is a pretty good report, and has helped me to see an amount 
as I plan my budget. One thing that could possibly work out is maybe a separate 
table for planned/budgeted amounts for Assets and Liabilities and the user 
could do the math them self to whatever effect worked best for them.

401k                                    $1000.000
Savings Goal 1          $300.00
Total                           $1300.00

Credit Card 1           ($100.00)
Credit Card 2           ($500.00)
Total                           ($600.00)

I tried to figure out how to modify the report, but I developed a few gray 
hairs and slight frustration. So, I enter the amount from the checking account 
to the liability account, and then the accounting rules get blurry -> I then 
adjust the split adding the same amount to an expense account letting the rest 
go to Imbalance. The objective I guess a lot of people would have is getting 
all of their budgeting information on one page/report with the math completed. 


Andre Powell

On Jan 19, 2010, at 8:37 AM, Benjamin Johnsen wrote:

> Andre,
> It is good to hear that you are using the report.  After I submitted I hadn't 
> heard anything more and figured it was a dead end.
> I might have a few updates but they would be graphical and maybe a few 
> calculations bugs that show up around the end of the year.  I will have to 
> see what version I submitted to know what issues I might have fixed.
> I have talked to a few people about the Asset and Liability issue in relation 
> to a budget.  Again these people aren't CPAs but they run small businesses 
> and they have some pretty good insight into how the books are done.  They 
> seemed to say that updating Assets and Liabilities was a Year End activity.  
> Their recommendation was to create an Expense account and at the Year End 
> when you close it out it would get moved to the Liability there by reducing 
> the Liability.
> I don't know if you do you a Year End close out but as I understand it at the 
> end of each year you should close out all of your Expense and Income 
> accounts.  Basically get them back to 0.  The way I understand to do this is 
> by creating an Asset account named for the year. Something like "2008 Year 
> End".  I then transfer all of my Expense and all of my Income to that Asset 
> account.
> So if I take a mortgage as an example.  I am going to do a simple example and 
> ignore closing costs and taxes and any other things that could go along with 
> a mortgage.  This just deals with the mortgage payments.  I have 4 accounts.  
> 1 Liability (Mortgage Principle), 1 Asset (Value of the House), 2 Expense (1 
> Interest Payment, 1 Principle Payment).
> I then have a transaction from the Liability to the Asset account for $80,000 
> this give that Asset its value if a down payment was made then another 
> transfer would be made from another Asset account to the House Asset account. 
>  Then as the year goes on payments on the mortgage are made every month.  
> Charge those payment to the Interest and Principle Expense accounts 
> accordingly.   At the end of the end of the year there is $10,000 in the 
> Interest Expense account and $5,000 in the Principle Expense account.  The 
> Year End close out process for the Interest Expense account a transaction 
> would be created that would transfer $10,000 from the Interest Expense 
> account to the newly created "2008 Year End" Asset account.  To close out the 
> Principle Expense account a transaction for $5,000 would be created to 
> transfer $5,000 from the Principle Expense account to the Liability account 
> for the loan there by paying down the loan.
> The advantage to doing things this way is that through the year all of your 
> Liability payments are tracked as an Expense and can be included in the 
> budget report.  The down side is that if you want to look back at a previous 
> year's budget the numbers will be messed up because each Expense and Income 
> account will have been closed out.  I haven't found the downside to be that 
> big of a deal because when I close out an account I have a total amount that 
> I spent for that year which is normally all I ever need.  From the total 
> number I can then plan for the budget for the next year or see how my 
> spending has gone up or down year of year.
> So in short I agree with Forest and would like to keep Liabilities out of the 
> report.  I will see what updates I have made since I last submitted to 
> GnuCash and see about submitting a new version.
> Thanks,
> Ben
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 8:56 AM, <> 
> wrote:
> Forest, 
> I agree with your response and I am not interested in changing any rules of 
> finance. A simpler solution from how the current report is built would be to 
> add another section for assets and liabilities, based on the BBS layout and 
> formula. A user could either project for either or just one (me personally 
> would just like to see liabilities I am paying for).
> This would address the fact that currently there is no way to project a 
> balanced budget without exporting the info to a spreadsheet or manually 
> calculating the information. Where in my opinion both of these options are 
> more time consuming whether at setup(spreadsheet) or at the time of 
> (calculator) .
> Needless to say my wishlist would be one of the following; if there is a way 
> to actually pay on a liability and to get it to report as an expense that 
> would be all the better for this report, or GnuCash to actually show the 
> totals in the built in report so a user could get the info from one screen.
> Best regards,
> Andre Powell
> (This is the first long email I have written on my Eris and not so bad of an 
> experience)
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Forest Bond" <>
> Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2010 10:36 PM
> Subject: Advanced Budget Report Question
> To: "Andre Powell" <>
> Cc: <>, <>, 
> <>
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 07:33:08PM -0500, Andre Powell wrote:
> > I think that it would be fair to say that if I would decrease an asset in my
> > budget it would be an expense (towards something) and if I increased it 
> > would
> > go towards income. Regarding a liability much the same if I decreased it 
> > would
> > be an expense, and increased it would be "income", although obviously debt.
> > Although, I am no CPA I do not have an "official" answer, but it makes sense
> > to me. In a more simplified way, and the way I think that most people would 
> > do
> > a budget count the payments to a liability as an addition to your expenses 
> > and
> > the math will roll on from there. 
> >
> > With all of that said, what are the odds of you adding Liabilities to the
> > report with them impacting expenses. :-) 
> I would very much prefer assets and liabilities to not be handled this way.
> It is not consistent with current handling in the Budget Income Statement 
> (BIS)
> and Budget Balance Sheet (BBS) reports.  BIS only looks at income and expense
> accounts.  BBS assumes that positive values entered for assets are savings and
> therefore increase the value of those assets and that positive values entered
> for liabilities represent liability repayments and therefore decrease the
> liability.
> If this interpretation needs to change, so be it, but I would really like to 
> see
> some discussion and consensus before the behavior gets less consistent than it
> is now.
> In any case, I think asset/liability values being somehow interpreted as
> income/expenses is wrong.
> Thanks,
> Forest
> -- 
> Forest Bond

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