On Jun 8, 2009, at 1:40 PM, Martin Preuss wrote:


So I need some help: Could someone please explain what number and kind of
transactions and splits need to be created when importing investment

I'm not well versed in these -- I can do a manual transaction entry, and libofx has done all the ones I've fed it correctly, but I'd be stumbling a bit to try to get the details right.

There seems to be special handling for REINVEST and INCOME type
investment transactions...

I believe that before aqbanking started checking and not touching investment ofx files, INCOME transactions were handled properly. Dividends (cash income from stocks) are the most similar of the investment transactions compared to ordinary gnucash transactions.

REINVEST transactions have to have some special processing. When dividend income is used to automatically buy more shares of stock (the reinvest transaction), the monetary amount in the ofx transaction is both income and expense (dividend income and stock purchase expense). The ofx spec says that the <AMOUNT> field in a reinvest transaction will carry the +/- sign appropriate for a stock purchase. The sign convention is the reason behind the special processing for Reinvest transactions.

BTW: Such a note might also be worth adding to the development wiki (if there
is one) for future reference.

Hmm. There's a wiki, some of which addresses things like release schedule. But I don't see a section that really looks like a development wiki.

Thanks in advance

David Reiser

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