On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Phil Longstaff <plongst...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Hmmm... I just built from svn using your configure options and had no
> problem. Were there any problems during configure or make? Is it
> reproducible? Can you send a sample data file with the problem?

Well it is hard to say.  It compiled and started! :-)  But I did
notice that if I do not include '--enable-error-on-warning=no', I can
not compile.

I created some dummy account from scratch, doesn't have any info in it
 yet and it can still reproduce the problem.  It reproduces a 100% of
the time for me. I attached the file I used. I also noticed when I
quit I get the following messages

gwenhywfar-INFO: plugin.c:  577: Plugin type "ct" unregistered
gwenhywfar-INFO: plugin.c:  577: Plugin type "configmgr" unregistered
gwenhywfar-INFO: plugin.c:  577: Plugin type "dbio" unregistered

Not sure it means anything.


Attachment: dummy-start
Description: Binary data

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