Apparently this didn't get posted to the list, as it should have. I sent it only to Martin - so for the historical record:


Actually, the patches should have no effect at all on other applications. I was very careful to make sure that the behavior of the patched aqbanking routines was absolutely identical to the pre-patched behavior, as long as there was no file named /dev/shm/aqbanking/ofx.ofx. As long as that file is not present, then the changes should be invisible to any other applications. The possibility of there being such a file by accident on someone's installation is very small indeed.

Second, it has no effect on the importation of bank account transactions into GnuCash. The OFX file with the banking transactions simply gets parsed by the File->Import->OFX/QFX... importer and from that point on the user cannot tell the difference. In fact, I've been using the patched program for a while now to import bank, credit card and investment transactions. The bank transactions import exactly as they did in the past.

Lastly, I've also tried to get the investment part of aqbanking working. In fact, I've submitted quite a bit of code that succesfully imports everything in the investment transaction list except stock transactions (i.e, dividends and cash transactions work). The problem is that getting the stock stuff to work is a great deal more difficult - in fact no one would even offer any help at all regarding the next steps that I might take. This patch is so simple that it's hard for me to justify investing the time to duplicate the effort that's already been put into the investment import that the File->Import->OFX/QFX... function provides.

Steve Besch

Martin Preuss wrote:

On Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009, Stephen R. Besch wrote:
> 1) Patch aqbanking to simply save a copy of the OFX data returned
> from the bank, skipping any attempt at parsing the file.

Hmm... I have a bit of a problem to commit the AqBanking patches. The idea behind the AqBanking library is to do what's required to return a list of transactions by any means necessary (in this case: OFX Direct Connect). Even though your approach might work well with your patched version of GnuCash it might not work with other applications. It would also prevent AqBanking from importing bank account transactions (which currently works reasonably well).

So from my point of view as AqBanking developer the correct approach would be to make the OFX parser of AqBanking parse the additional information rather than preventing the parser to work on OFX data at all.


"Things are only impossible until they're not"

Martin Preuss -
AqBanking -
LibChipcard -

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