One of the patches that got applied to Ubuntu 2.2.6-3 was broken.
I *believe* this was it, and if you read through the SVN timeline
I believe you'll see that this patch was later applied and then
reverted because it's broken. (This is why so many Ubuntu users
complain about 2.2.6-3 -- it crashes die to one of the patches).
Thanks for taking the time to finally update Ubuntu!
Quoting Loïc Martin <>:
I'm preparing gnucash-2.2.9 packages for Ubuntu, and see all the
patches we applied to our previous 2.2.6 packages can be dropped
(they come from you, so it's no wonder).
However, par of the patch that we applied to
src/register/register-gnome/gnucash-sheet.c isn't applied in 2.2.9 -
you're keeping the 2.2.6 line without the changes from the patches
(the part that's not applied it in the attachment to this message.)
Since the rest of the part is applied in 2.2.9, could you please tell
me if I should patch 2.2.9, or keep it as your original 2.2.9 tarball?
P.S.: please CC me because I'm not subscribed to the list.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
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