On May 2, 2009, at 6:53 PM, David Reiser wrote:

On May 2, 2009, at 5:09 PM, Rainer Dorsch wrote:


I have an issue with finance-quote. When I do an "Get Quotes" in the price
editor of gnucash 2.2.8, I get

Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:
Continue using only the good quotes?

But when I run

$ /opt/gnucash-2.2.8/bin/gnc-fq-dump VWD LYX0AG
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
  symbol: LYX0AG               <=== required
    date: 05/02/2009           <=== required
currency: EUR                  <=== required
    last: 68.06                <=\
     nav:                      <=== one of these
   price: 68.06                <=/
timezone:                      <=== optional

which seems ok.

Any ideas why gnucash could refuse to update the fund prices?

gnc-fq-dump -v VWD LYX0AG
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
   symbol: LYX0AG               <=== required
     date: 05/03/2009           <=== required
 currency: EUR                  <=== required
     last: 68.06                <=\
      nav:                      <=== one of these
    price: 68.06                <=/
 timezone:                      <=== optional

All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock LYX0AG

stock           field  value
-----           -----  -----
LYX0AG       currency: EUR
LYX0AG           date: 05/03/2009
LYX0AG       errormsg:
LYX0AG        isodate: 2009-05-03
LYX0AG           last: 68.06
LYX0AG           name: Lyxor MSCI World FCP
LYX0AG          price: 68.06
LYX0AG         source: VWD
LYX0AG        success: 1
LYX0AG         symbol: LYX0AG
LYX0AG           time: 30.04.09

Looks like VWD changed their site again, or is otherwise sending what looks like a date in the time field. Gnucash wants a fully qualified date+time in order to accept the data. The time being sent by VWD is not valid.

Hmm. Looks like a finance::quote bug. There's a data chunk that the VWD site html describes as "datum" that, at least over the weekend is returning a date. But the finance::quote code is stuffing it into the $time field. I'd have to see a VWD quote taking place during active trading hours to see if datum holds a time then. I don't see anything else that looks like a timestamp for the quote itself. You get a date and time that the quote is retrieved, but I'm not seeing the time associated with the stock value.

David Reiser

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