Hi Phil, have you consider some of the GnomeDB widgets it has for open a GDA

This is more general and allows you to create new Data Source Names, from
the providers supperted by GDA, then if any is added the user can use that

2009/3/6 Phil Longstaff <plongst...@rogers.com>

> I've created a new dialog (currently called File Access).  If --enable-dbi
> is
> specified at config time, this dialog is used instead of the standard Gtk
> Open
> and SaveAs dialogs.
> The dialog has 3 sections.  In the top left are 4 radio buttons for the
> different db types (XML, SQLITE3, MYSQL and PGSQL).  Beside it, in the top
> right, are text fields for host/database/user/password needed to access a
> mysql
> or pgsql db.  In the bottom section is a Gtk file selector widget used for
> xml
> and sqlite3 access.
> Re GC 2.4: I want to finish getting libdbi database access ready, and I
> currently have some time so that I could act as release manager if needed.
> Phil
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