Carol Brown wrote:

 I am starting a small business and have done some research and most agree
> that GnuCash is the best accounting program for Linux. But I am dismayed to
> see that I have to download /source code/, which to me means /compile/ and
> /build/. Arghhh. I don't do compile and build. I am starting a business and
> just want to install and use my accounting software. As you can imagine, I
> have a bazillion other things to do.

I can see how Carol got this impression. The home page has no
link "Getting Gnucash". There is only a "downloads" heading, and that only
has source code options listed under it. If you were new to Linux, and
hadn't grasped the whole package thing, you'd come to just the same
conclusion that Carol has.

It might be a good idea to have a page called "Get Gnucash" with some
high-level installation instructions for common distros, and link that on
the home page sidebar under the "downloads" heading.

I'm not sure how the website is maintained, but I am happy to write draft
copy for such a page if that helps.


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