Charles Day wrote:

ok, though what happens when the user decides to change the timezone for
account A? (eg. I ask the bank to transfer my account from their Saint
John's branch to their Vancouver branch, 5 timezones apart?) What happens to
the timestamps and dates displayed then?

The timestamps don't change. Only the value displayed.

This breaks double entry accounting.

If account A and account B had different timezones, it means the balancing splits within a transaction can fall on different days.

If this happened over the start or end of a period of time, your accounts would no longer balance - only half the split falls into the period!

In order to be able to trust the data coming out of gnucash, gnucash must be completely 100% and absolutely unambiguous about the data. If the user specified a day, a month and a year, there must be absolutely no way possible at all that circumstances can conspire to have that day month and year changed to a different day month and year without the user's knowledge. The single and only way a date should change is if the user explicitly went in and changed that date, and at no other time.

The only safe way to do this is to store a date as a date, and not a timestamp.


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