On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 02:00:47PM -0700, Yogesh Agrawal wrote:

> Perfect,  Yes I have looked into the advance portfolio, and saw the code for
> basis calculation.

> 1) Where should I start on that code?

I would say that the whole basis calculation should be carved out into
a couple of functions that return the basis at a particular time using
the different methods (FIFO, FILO etc). 

> 2) How do you want me to put the basis calculations into a separate

just like any of the other libraries in src/report/utility-reports/
look at that various html-*.scm files therein and follow that model.

I'll maybe have some time to look at this later today and give some
more specific guidance.

The trick is that part of the functionality that is needed is *not*
included in those functions but is provided in the code that calls
them, so they need to be beefed up a bit and can't just be copy-pasted


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