Hi Charles,

On Mi, 2008-01-30 at 01:45 -0800, Charles Day wrote:
> I have a question about building GnuCash on Windows XP.  I've built GnuCash
> plenty of times with install.sh and it works reliably. But if I go and
> change, say, one line of druid-qif-import.c, what is the quickest way to
> recompile/rebuild GnuCash?
> I thought that I could just go to the build directory and do a make,
> followed by make install, but if I do that then GnuCash hangs during
> startup, hogs the CPU and has to be killed.
> If I run install.sh again then it does an "svn up" (which I don't want) and
> also runs configure again (which I don't want), and takes a very, very long
> time to get through the whole process, but GnuCash does indeed work in the
> end!
> Any advice would be appreciated.

I suppose this happens because of dependency_libs lines in libtool
archives (*.la).  I used to run the attached script after `make
install`, maybe it helps you as well.

-- andi5

Attachment: cleaninst.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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