On Jan 15, 2008, at 6:37 AM, Martin Preuss wrote:

> Hi,
> On Montag, 14. Januar 2008, Dave Reiser wrote:
>> Martin Preuss wrote:
> [...]
>>> However, this will change when I receive requests from people who
>>> actually want to help with testing those transaction imports (e.g.  
>>> by
>>> providing example files etc since I don't have any).
> [...]
>> I have dozens of sample files (though I'd have to spend some time
>> sanitizing them).
> [...]
> Just for clarification: I do have sample OFX files, but none of them  
> contains
> commodity/security transactions.
> Regards
> Martin
And it turns out that mostly the only ones I have saved are the ones  
with only investment/security (and dividend...) transactions. They  
tend to have a lot of  items that libofx doesn't handle (account  
balances, pending transactions, and some other things). It will take  
some work for me to clean them up correctly -- without breaking  
internal consistency.

But I'm eager to have aqbanking handle investment transactions, so  
I'll get on it. I do have some time consuming things going on at work  
in the next month. I'll be a bit slow at producing the examples.

David Reiser

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