> I used YaST
> 1. to uninstall gnucash-2.2.2
> 2.  to install aqbanking-kde3     aqbanking-qt3 was also prompted and
> installed       (ignore aqbanking3   continue to use aqbanking)
> 3.  install gnucash-2.2.2
> Then I started gnucash  and went to Tools --> ?????    STILL no Online
> Banking Setup

Then I tried aqbanking3

1. uninstall gnucash-2.2.2
2. uninstal aqbanking  (the Suse 10.2 default)
3. install aqbanking3
4. install gnucash-2.2.2   ignore the complaints

Then start gnucash --> Tools --> Online Banking Setup   :)

Before I proceed,  is a USB memory stick supported or is a chipcard
reader necessary?

Up till now with Moneyplex a diskette has been used.   Then something
happened with the disk drive and Moneyplex would not accept the security
 file with password information.   As this is the second occurance we
want to migrate to gnucash in full.


-- John
gnucash-devel mailing list

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